Package 'RBesT'

Title: R Bayesian Evidence Synthesis Tools
Description: Tool-set to support Bayesian evidence synthesis. This includes meta-analysis, (robust) prior derivation from historical data, operating characteristics and analysis (1 and 2 sample cases). Please refer to Weber et al. (2021) <doi:10.18637/jss.v100.i19> for details on applying this package while Neuenschwander et al. (2010) <doi:10.1177/1740774509356002> and Schmidli et al. (2014) <doi:10.1111/biom.12242> explain details on the methodology.
Authors: Novartis Pharma AG [cph], Sebastian Weber [aut, cre], Beat Neuenschwander [ctb], Heinz Schmidli [ctb], Baldur Magnusson [ctb], Yue Li [ctb], Satrajit Roychoudhury [ctb], Lukas A. Widmer [ctb] , Trustees of Columbia University [cph] (R/stanmodels.R, configure,
Maintainer: Sebastian Weber <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>=3)
Version: 1.8-1
Built: 2025-02-20 06:03:52 UTC

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R Bayesian Evidence Synthesis Tools


The RBesT tools are designed to support in the derivation of parametric informative priors, asses design characeristics and perform analyses. Supported endpoints include normal, binary and Poisson.


For introductory material, please refer to the vignettes which include

  • Introduction (binary)

  • Introduction (normal)

  • Customizing RBesT Plots

  • Robust MAP, advanced usage

The main function of the package is gMAP. See it's help page for a detailed description of the statistical model.

Global Options

Option Default Description
RBesT.MC.warmup 2000 MCMC warmup iterations
RBesT.MC.iter 6000 total MCMC iterations
RBesT.MC.chains 4 MCMC chains
RBesT.MC.thin 4 MCMC thinning
RBesT.MC.control list(adapt_delta=0.99, sets control argument for Stan call
RBesT.MC.ncp 1 parametrization: 0=CP, 1=NCP, 2=Automatic
RBesT.MC.init 1 range of initial uniform [-1,1] is the default
RBesT.MC.rescale TRUE Automatic rescaling of raw parameters
RBesT.verbose FALSE requests outputs to be more verbose
RBesT.integrate_args list(lower=-Inf, arguments passed to integrate for
upper=Inf, intergation of densities
RBesT.integrate_prob_eps 1E-6 probability mass left out from tails if integration needs to be restricted in range

Version History

See file.


Maintainer: Sebastian Weber [email protected]

Other contributors:


Stan Development Team (2020). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.19.3.

See Also

Useful links:

Ankylosing Spondylitis.


Data set containing historical information for placebo for a phase II trial of ankylosing spondylitis patients. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients with a 20 according to the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society criteria for improvement (ASAS20) at week 6.




A data frame with 8 rows and 3 variables:




study size


number of events


Baeten D. et. al, The Lancet, 2013, (382), 9906, p 1705


## Setting up dummy sampling for fast execution of example
## Please use 4 chains and 20x more warmup & iter in practice
.user_mc_options <- options(RBesT.MC.warmup=50, RBesT.MC.iter=100,
                            RBesT.MC.chains=2, RBesT.MC.thin=1)

map_AS <- gMAP(cbind(r, n - r) ~ 1 | study,
  family = binomial,
  data = AS,
  tau.dist = "HalfNormal", tau.prior = 1,
  beta.prior = 2
## Recover user set sampling defaults

Automatic Fitting of Mixtures of Conjugate Distributions to a Sample


Fitting a series of mixtures of conjugate distributions to a sample, using Expectation-Maximization (EM). The number of mixture components is specified by the vector Nc. First a Nc[1] component mixture is fitted, then a Nc[2] component mixture, and so on. The mixture providing the best AIC value is then selected.


automixfit(sample, Nc = seq(1, 4), k = 6, thresh = -Inf, verbose = FALSE, ...)



Sample to be fitted by a mixture distribution.


Vector of mixture components to try out (default seq(1,4)).


Penalty parameter for AIC calculation (default 6)


The procedure stops if the difference of subsequent AIC values is smaller than this threshold (default -Inf). Setting the threshold to 0 stops automixfit once the AIC becomes worse.


Enable verbose logging.


Further arguments passed to mixfit, including type.


The type argument specifies the distribution of the mixture components, and can be a normal, beta or gamma distribution.

The penalty parameter k is 2 for the standard AIC definition. Collet (2003) suggested to use values in the range from 2 to 6, where larger values of k penalize more complex models. To favor mixtures with fewer components a value of 6 is used as default.


As result the best fitting mixture model is returned, i.e. the model with lowest AIC. All other models are saved in the attribute models.


Collet D. Modeling Survival Data in Medical Research. 2003; Chapman and Hall/CRC.


# random sample of size 1000 from a mixture of 2 beta components
bm <- mixbeta(beta1 = c(0.4, 20, 90), beta2 = c(0.6, 35, 65))
bmSamp <- rmix(bm, 1000)

# fit with EM mixture models with up to 10 components and stop if
# AIC increases
bmFit <- automixfit(bmSamp, Nc = 1:10, thresh = 0, type = "beta")

# advanced usage: find out about all discarded models
bmFitAll <- attr(bmFit, "models")

sapply(bmFitAll, AIC, k = 6)

Exact Confidence interval for Binary Proportion


This function calculates the exact confidendence interval for a response rate presented by nn and rr.


BinaryExactCI(r, n, alpha = 0.05, drop = TRUE)



Number of success or responder


Sample size


confidence level


Determines if drop will be called on the result


Confidence intervals are obtained by a procedure first given in Clopper and Pearson (1934). This guarantees that the confidence level is at least (1-α\alpha).

Details can be found in the publication listed below.


100 (1-α\alpha)% exact confidence interval for given response rate


Clopper, C. J. & Pearson, E. S. The use of confidence or fiducial limits illustrated in the case of the binomial. Biometrika 1934.


BinaryExactCI(3, 20, 0.05)

Ulcerative Colitis.


Data set containing historical information for placebo arm of a phase II proof-of-concept trial for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. The primary outcome is remission at week 8 (binary).




A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables:




study size


number of events


Neuenschwander B, Capkun-Niggli G, Branson M, Spiegelhalter DJ. Summarizing historical information on controls in clinical trials. Clin Trials. 2010; 7(1):5-18

Crohn's disease.


Data set containing historical information for placebo arm of relevant studies for the treatment of Crohn's disease. The primary outcome is change from baseline in Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) over a duration of 6 weeks. Standard deviation of change from baseline endpoint is approximately 88.




A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables:




study size


mean CDAI change


Hueber W. et. al, Gut, 2012, 61(12):1693-1700


## Setting up dummy sampling for fast execution of example
## Please use 4 chains and 20x more warmup & iter in practice
.user_mc_options <- options(RBesT.MC.warmup=50, RBesT.MC.iter=100,
                            RBesT.MC.chains=2, RBesT.MC.thin=1)

map_crohn <- gMAP(cbind(y, ~ 1 | study,
  family = gaussian,
  data = transform(crohn, = 88 / sqrt(n)),
  weights = n,
  tau.dist = "HalfNormal", tau.prior = 44,
  beta.prior = cbind(0, 88)
## Recover user set sampling defaults

Decision Function for 1 Sample Designs


The function sets up a 1 sample one-sided decision function with an arbitrary number of conditions.


decision1S(pc = 0.975, qc = 0, lower.tail = TRUE)

oc1Sdecision(pc = 0.975, qc = 0, lower.tail = TRUE)



Vector of critical cumulative probabilities.


Vector of respective critical values. Must match the length of pc.


Logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \leq x), otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).


The function creates a one-sided decision function which takes two arguments. The first argument is expected to be a mixture (posterior) distribution. This distribution is tested whether it fulfills all the required threshold conditions specified with the pc and qc arguments and returns 1 if all conditions are met and 0 otherwise. Hence, for lower.tail=TRUE condition ii is equivalent to

P(θqc,i)>pc,iP(\theta \leq q_{c,i}) > p_{c,i}

and the decision function is implemented as indicator function on the basis of the heavy-side step function H(x)H(x) which is 00 for x0x \leq 0 and 11 for x>0x > 0. As all conditions must be met, the final indicator function returns

ΠiHi(P(θqc,i)pc,i).\Pi_i H_i(P(\theta \leq q_{c,i}) - p_{c,i} ).

When the second argument is set to TRUE a distance metric is returned component-wise per defined condition as

Di=log(P(θ<qc,i))log(pc,i).D_i = \log(P(\theta < q_{c,i})) - \log(p_{c,i}) .

These indicator functions can be used as input for 1-sample boundary, OC or PoS calculations using oc1S or pos1S .


The function returns a decision function which takes two arguments. The first argument is expected to be a mixture (posterior) distribution which is tested if the specified conditions are met. The logical second argument determines if the function acts as an indicator function or if the function returns the distance from the decision boundary for each condition in log-space, i.e. the distance is 0 at the decision boundary, negative for a 0 decision and positive for a 1 decision.


  • oc1Sdecision(): Deprecated old function name. Please use decision1S instead.


Neuenschwander B, Rouyrre N, Hollaender H, Zuber E, Branson M. A proof of concept phase II non-inferiority criterion. Stat. in Med.. 2011, 30:1618-1627

See Also

Other design1S: decision1S_boundary(), oc1S(), pos1S()


# see Neuenschwander et al., 2011

# example is for a time-to-event trial evaluating non-inferiority
# using a normal approximation for the log-hazard ratio

# reference scale
s <- 2
theta_ni <- 0.4
theta_a <- 0
alpha <- 0.05
beta <- 0.2
za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
zb <- qnorm(1 - beta)
n1 <- round((s * (za + zb) / (theta_ni - theta_a))^2) # n for which design was intended
nL <- 233
c1 <- theta_ni - za * s / sqrt(n1)

# flat prior
flat_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 100), sigma = s)

# standard NI design
decA <- decision1S(1 - alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail = TRUE)

# for double criterion with indecision point (mean estimate must be
# lower than this)
theta_c <- c1

# double criterion design
# statistical significance (like NI design)
dec1 <- decision1S(1 - alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail = TRUE)
# require mean to be at least as good as theta_c
dec2 <- decision1S(0.5, theta_c, lower.tail = TRUE)
# combination
decComb <- decision1S(c(1 - alpha, 0.5), c(theta_ni, theta_c), lower.tail = TRUE)

theta_eval <- c(theta_a, theta_c, theta_ni)

# we can display the decision function definition

# and use it to decide if a given distribution fulfills all
# criterions defined
# for the prior
# or for a possible outcome of the trial
# here with HR of 0.8 for 40 events
decComb(postmix(flat_prior, m = log(0.8), n = 40))

Decision Boundary for 1 Sample Designs


Calculates the decision boundary for a 1 sample design. This is the critical value at which the decision function will change from 0 (failure) to 1 (success).


decision1S_boundary(prior, n, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
decision1S_boundary(prior, n, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
decision1S_boundary(prior, n, decision, sigma, eps = 1e-06, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
decision1S_boundary(prior, n, decision, eps = 1e-06, ...)



Prior for analysis.


Sample size for the experiment.


One-sample decision function to use; see decision1S.


Optional arguments.


The fixed reference scale. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior is assumed.


Support of random variables are determined as the interval covering 1-eps probability mass. Defaults to 10610^{-6}.


The specification of the 1 sample design (prior, sample size and decision function, D(y)D(y)), uniquely defines the decision boundary

yc=maxy{D(y)=1},y_c = \max_y\{D(y) = 1\},

which is the maximal value of yy whenever the decision D(y)D(y) function changes its value from 1 to 0 for a decision function with lower.tail=TRUE (otherwise the definition is yc=maxy{D(y)=0}y_c = \max_{y}\{D(y) = 0\}). The decision function may change at most at a single critical value as only one-sided decision functions are supported. Here, yy is defined for binary and Poisson endpoints as the sufficient statistic y=i=1nyiy = \sum_{i=1}^{n} y_i and for the normal case as the mean yˉ=1/ni=1nyi\bar{y} = 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n y_i.

The convention for the critical value ycy_c depends on whether a left (lower.tail=TRUE) or right-sided decision function (lower.tail=FALSE) is used. For lower.tail=TRUE the critical value ycy_c is the largest value for which the decision is 1, D(yyc)=1D(y \leq y_c) = 1, while for lower.tail=FALSE then D(y>yc)=1D(y > y_c) = 1 holds. This is aligned with the cumulative density function definition within R (see for example pbinom).


Returns the critical value ycy_c.

Methods (by class)

  • decision1S_boundary(betaMix): Applies for binomial model with a mixture beta prior. The calculations use exact expressions.

  • decision1S_boundary(normMix): Applies for the normal model with known standard deviation σ\sigma and a normal mixture prior for the mean. As a consequence from the assumption of a known standard deviation, the calculation discards sampling uncertainty of the second moment. The function decision1S_boundary has an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}). The critical value ycy_c is searched in the region of probability mass 1-eps for yy.

  • decision1S_boundary(gammaMix): Applies for the Poisson model with a gamma mixture prior for the rate parameter. The function decision1S_boundary takes an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}) which determines the region of probability mass 1-eps where the boundary is searched for yy.

See Also

Other design1S: decision1S(), oc1S(), pos1S()


# non-inferiority example using normal approximation of log-hazard
# ratio, see ?decision1S for all details
s <- 2
flat_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 100), sigma = s)
nL <- 233
theta_ni <- 0.4
theta_a <- 0
alpha <- 0.05
beta <- 0.2
za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
zb <- qnorm(1 - beta)
n1 <- round((s * (za + zb) / (theta_ni - theta_a))^2)
theta_c <- theta_ni - za * s / sqrt(n1)

# double criterion design
# statistical significance (like NI design)
dec1 <- decision1S(1 - alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail = TRUE)
# require mean to be at least as good as theta_c
dec2 <- decision1S(0.5, theta_c, lower.tail = TRUE)
# combination
decComb <- decision1S(c(1 - alpha, 0.5), c(theta_ni, theta_c), lower.tail = TRUE)

# critical value of double criterion design
decision1S_boundary(flat_prior, nL, decComb)

# ... is limited by the statistical significance ...
decision1S_boundary(flat_prior, nL, dec1)

# ... or the indecision point (whatever is smaller)
decision1S_boundary(flat_prior, nL, dec2)

Decision Function for 2 Sample Designs


The function sets up a 2 sample one-sided decision function with an arbitrary number of conditions on the difference distribution.


  pc = 0.975,
  qc = 0,
  lower.tail = TRUE,
  link = c("identity", "logit", "log")

  pc = 0.975,
  qc = 0,
  lower.tail = TRUE,
  link = c("identity", "logit", "log")



Vector of critical cumulative probabilities of the difference distribution.


Vector of respective critical values of the difference distribution. Must match the length of pc.


Logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \leq x), otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).


Enables application of a link function prior to evaluating the difference distribution. Can take one of the values identity (default), logit or log.


This function creates a one-sided decision function on the basis of the difference distribution in a 2 sample situation. To support double criterion designs, see Neuenschwander et al., 2010, an arbitrary number of criterions can be given. The decision function demands that the probability mass below the critical value qc of the difference θ1θ2\theta_1 - \theta_2 is at least pc. Hence, for lower.tail=TRUE condition ii is equivalent to

P(θ1θ2qc,i)>pc,iP(\theta_1 - \theta_2 \leq q_{c,i}) > p_{c,i}

and the decision function is implemented as indicator function using the heavy-side step function H(x)H(x) which is 00 for x0x \leq 0 and 11 for x>0x > 0. As all conditions must be met, the final indicator function returns

ΠiHi(P(θ1θ2qc,i)pc,i),\Pi_i H_i(P(\theta_1 - \theta_2 \leq q_{c,i}) - p_{c,i} ),

which is 11 if all conditions are met and 00 otherwise. For lower.tail=FALSE differences must be greater than the given quantiles qc.

Note that whenever a link other than identity is requested, then the underlying densities are first transformed using the link function and then the probabilties for the differences are calculated in the transformed space. Hence, for a binary endpoint the default identity link will calculate risk differences, the logit link will lead to decisions based on the differences in logits corresponding to a criterion based on the log-odds. The log link will evaluate ratios instead of absolute differences which could be useful for a binary endpoint or counting rates. The respective critical quantiles qc must be given on the transformed scale.


The function returns a decision function which takes three arguments. The first and second argument are expected to be mixture (posterior) distributions from which the difference distribution is formed and all conditions are tested. The third argument determines if the function acts as an indicator function or if the function returns the distance from the decision boundary for each condition in log-space. That is, the distance is 0 at the decision boundary, negative for a 0 decision and positive for a 1 decision.


  • oc2Sdecision(): Deprecated old function name. Please use decision2S instead.


Gsponer T, Gerber F, Bornkamp B, Ohlssen D, Vandemeulebroecke M, Schmidli H.A practical guide to Bayesian group sequential designs. Pharm. Stat.. 2014; 13: 71-80

See Also

Other design2S: decision2S_boundary(), oc2S(), pos2S()


# see Gsponer et al., 2010
priorT <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 0.001), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
priorP <- mixnorm(c(1, -49, 20), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
# the success criteria is for delta which are larger than some
# threshold value which is why we set lower.tail=FALSE
successCrit <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, 50), FALSE)
# the futility criterion acts in the opposite direction
futilityCrit <- decision2S(c(0.90), c(40), TRUE)


# consider decision for specific outcomes
postP_interim <- postmix(priorP, n = 10, m = -50)
postT_interim <- postmix(priorT, n = 20, m = -80)
futilityCrit(postP_interim, postT_interim)
successCrit(postP_interim, postT_interim)

# Binary endpoint with double criterion decision on log-odds scale
# 95% certain positive difference and an odds ratio of 2 at least
decL2 <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, log(2)), lower.tail = FALSE, link = "logit")
# 95% certain positive difference and an odds ratio of 3 at least
decL3 <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, log(3)), lower.tail = FALSE, link = "logit")

# data scenario
post1 <- postmix(mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1)), n = 40, r = 10)
post2 <- postmix(mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1)), n = 40, r = 18)

# positive outcome and a median odds ratio of at least 2 ...
decL2(post2, post1)
# ... but not more than 3
decL3(post2, post1)

Decision Boundary for 2 Sample Designs


The decision2S_boundary function defines a 2 sample design (priors, sample sizes, decision function) for the calculation of the decision boundary. A function is returned which calculates the critical value of the first sample y1,cy_{1,c} as a function of the outcome in the second sample y2y_2. At the decision boundary, the decision function will change between 0 (failure) and 1 (success) for the respective outcomes.


decision2S_boundary(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
decision2S_boundary(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, eps, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
  eps = 1e-06,
  Ngrid = 10,

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
decision2S_boundary(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, eps = 1e-06, ...)



Prior for sample 1.


Prior for sample 2.

n1, n2

Sample size of the respective samples. Sample size n1 must be greater than 0 while sample size n2 must be greater or equal to 0.


Two-sample decision function to use; see decision2S.


Optional arguments.


Support of random variables are determined as the interval covering 1-eps probability mass. Defaults to 10610^{-6}.


The fixed reference scale of sample 1. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior 1 is assumed.


The fixed reference scale of sample 2. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior 2 is assumed.


Determines density of discretization grid on which decision function is evaluated (see below for more details).


For a 2 sample design the specification of the priors, the sample sizes and the decision function, D(y1,y2)D(y_1,y_2), uniquely defines the decision boundary

D1(y2)=maxy1{D(y1,y2)=1},D_1(y_2) = \max_{y_1}\{D(y_1,y_2) = 1\},

which is the critical value of y1,cy_{1,c} conditional on the value of y2y_2 whenever the decision D(y1,y2)D(y_1,y_2) function changes its value from 0 to 1 for a decision function with lower.tail=TRUE (otherwise the definition is D1(y2)=maxy1{D(y1,y2)=0}D_1(y_2) = \max_{y_1}\{D(y_1,y_2) = 0\}). The decision function may change at most at a single critical value for given y2y_{2} as only one-sided decision functions are supported. Here, y2y_2 is defined for binary and Poisson endpoints as the sufficient statistic y2=i=1n2y2,iy_2 = \sum_{i=1}^{n_2} y_{2,i} and for the normal case as the mean yˉ2=1/n2i=1n2y2,i\bar{y}_2 = 1/n_2 \sum_{i=1}^{n_2} y_{2,i}.


Returns a function with a single argument. This function calculates in dependence of the outcome y2y_2 in sample 2 the critical value y1,cy_{1,c} for which the defined design will change the decision from 0 to 1 (or vice versa, depending on the decision function).

Methods (by class)

  • decision2S_boundary(betaMix): Applies for binomial model with a mixture beta prior. The calculations use exact expressions. If the optional argument eps is defined, then an approximate method is used which limits the search for the decision boundary to the region of 1-eps probability mass. This is useful for designs with large sample sizes where an exact approach is very costly to calculate.

  • decision2S_boundary(normMix): Applies for the normal model with known standard deviation σ\sigma and normal mixture priors for the means. As a consequence from the assumption of a known standard deviation, the calculation discards sampling uncertainty of the second moment. The function has two extra arguments (with defaults): eps (10610^{-6}) and Ngrid (10). The decision boundary is searched in the region of probability mass 1-eps, respectively for y1y_1 and y2y_2. The continuous decision function is evaluated at a discrete grid, which is determined by a spacing with δ2=σ2/Ngrid\delta_2 = \sigma_2/\sqrt{N_{grid}}. Once the decision boundary is evaluated at the discrete steps, a spline is used to inter-polate the decision boundary at intermediate points.

  • decision2S_boundary(gammaMix): Applies for the Poisson model with a gamma mixture prior for the rate parameter. The function decision2S_boundary takes an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}) which determines the region of probability mass 1-eps where the boundary is searched for y1y_1 and y2y_2, respectively.

See Also

Other design2S: decision2S(), oc2S(), pos2S()


# see ?decision2S for details of example
priorT <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 0.001), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
priorP <- mixnorm(c(1, -49, 20), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
# the success criteria is for delta which are larger than some
# threshold value which is why we set lower.tail=FALSE
successCrit <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, 50), FALSE)
# the futility criterion acts in the opposite direction
futilityCrit <- decision2S(c(0.90), c(40), TRUE)

# success criterion boundary
successBoundary <- decision2S_boundary(priorP, priorT, 10, 20, successCrit)

# futility criterion boundary
futilityBoundary <- decision2S_boundary(priorP, priorT, 10, 20, futilityCrit)

curve(successBoundary(x), -25:25 - 49, xlab = "y2", ylab = "critical y1")
curve(futilityBoundary(x), lty = 2, add = TRUE)

# hence, for mean in sample 2 of 10, the critical value for y1 is
y1c <- futilityBoundary(-10)

# around the critical value the decision for futility changes
futilityCrit(postmix(priorP, m = y1c + 1E-3, n = 10), postmix(priorT, m = -10, n = 20))
futilityCrit(postmix(priorP, m = y1c - 1E-3, n = 10), postmix(priorT, m = -10, n = 20))

Effective Sample Size for a Conjugate Prior


Calculates the Effective Sample Size (ESS) for a mixture prior. The ESS indicates how many experimental units the prior is roughly equivalent to.


ess(mix, method = c("elir", "moment", "morita"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
ess(mix, method = c("elir", "moment", "morita"), ..., s = 100)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
ess(mix, method = c("elir", "moment", "morita"), ..., s = 100, eps = 1e-04)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
  method = c("elir", "moment", "morita"),
  family = gaussian,
  s = 100



Prior (mixture of conjugate distributions).


Selects the used method. Can be either elir (default), moment or morita.


Optional arguments applicable to specific methods.


For morita method large constant to ensure that the prior scaled by this value is vague (default 100); see Morita et al. (2008) for details.


Probability mass left out from the numerical integration of the expected information for the Poisson-Gamma case of Morita method (defaults to 1E-4).


defines data likelihood and link function (binomial, gaussian, or poisson).


reference scale.


The ESS is calculated using either the expected local information ratio (elir) Neuenschwander et al. (2020), the moments approach or the method by Morita et al. (2008).

The elir approach measures effective sample size in terms of the average curvature of the prior in relation to the Fisher information. Informally this corresponds to the average peakiness of the prior in relation to the information content of a single observation. The elir approach is the only ESS which fulfills predictive consistency. The predictive consistency of the ESS requires that the ESS of a prior is consistent when considering an averaged posterior ESS of additional data distributed according to the predictive distribution of the prior. The expectation of the posterior ESS is taken wrt to the prior predictive distribution and the averaged posterior ESS corresponds to the sum of the prior ESS and the number of forward simulated data items. The elir approach results in ESS estimates which are neither conservative nor liberal whereas the moments method yields conservative and the morita method liberal results. See the example section for a demonstration of predictive consistency.

For the moments method the mean and standard deviation of the mixture are calculated and then approximated by the conjugate distribution with the same mean and standard deviation. For conjugate distributions, the ESS is well defined. See the examples for a step-wise calculation in the beta mixture case.

The Morita method used here evaluates the mixture prior at the mode instead of the mean as proposed originally by Morita. The method may lead to very optimistic ESS values, especially if the mixture contains many components. The calculation of the Morita approach here follows the approach presented in Neuenschwander B. et all (2019) which avoids the need for a minimization and does not restrict the ESS to be an integer.

The arguments sigma and family are specific for normal mixture densities. These specify the sampling standard deviation for a gaussian family (the default) while also allowing to consider the ESS of standard one-parameter exponential families, i.e. binomial or poisson. The function supports non-gaussian families with unit dispersion only.


Returns the ESS of the prior as floating point number.

Methods (by class)

  • ess(betaMix): ESS for beta mixtures.

  • ess(gammaMix): ESS for gamma mixtures.

  • ess(normMix): ESS for normal mixtures.

Supported Conjugate Prior-Likelihood Pairs

Prior/Posterior Likelihood Predictive Summaries
Beta Binomial Beta-Binomial n, r
Normal Normal (fixed σ\sigma) Normal n, m, se
Gamma Poisson Gamma-Poisson n, m
Gamma Exponential Gamma-Exp (not supported) n, m


Morita S, Thall PF, Mueller P. Determining the effective sample size of a parametric prior. Biometrics 2008;64(2):595-602.

Neuenschwander B., Weber S., Schmidli H., O’Hagan A. (2020). Predictively consistent prior effective sample sizes. Biometrics, 76(2), 578–587.


# Conjugate Beta example
a <- 5
b <- 15
prior <- mixbeta(c(1, a, b))

(a + b)

# Beta mixture example
bmix <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 1, 1), inf = c(0.8, 10, 2))

ess(bmix, "elir")

ess(bmix, "moment")
# moments method is equivalent to
# first calculate moments
bmix_sum <- summary(bmix)
# then calculate a and b of a matching beta
ab_matched <- ms2beta(bmix_sum["mean"], bmix_sum["sd"])
# finally take the sum of a and b which are equivalent
# to number of responders/non-responders respectivley

ess(bmix, method = "morita")

# One may also calculate the ESS on the logit scale, which
# gives slightly different results due to the parameter
# transformation, e.g.:
prior_logit <- mixnorm(c(1, log(5 / 15), sqrt(1 / 5 + 1 / 15)))
ess(prior_logit, family = binomial)

bmix_logit <- mixnorm(rob = c(0.2, 0, 2), inf = c(0.8, log(10 / 2), sqrt(1 / 10 + 1 / 2)))
ess(bmix_logit, family = binomial)

# Predictive consistency of elir
n_forward <- 1E1
bmixPred <- preddist(bmix, n = n_forward)
pred_samp <- rmix(bmixPred, 1E2)
# use more samples here for greater accuracy, e.g.
# pred_samp <- rmix(bmixPred, 1E3)
pred_ess <- sapply(pred_samp, function(r) ess(postmix(bmix, r = r, n = n_forward), "elir"))
ess(bmix, "elir")
mean(pred_ess) - n_forward

# Normal mixture example
nmix <- mixnorm(rob = c(0.5, 0, 2), inf = c(0.5, 3, 4), sigma = 10)

ess(nmix, "elir")

ess(nmix, "moment")

# the reference scale determines the ESS
sigma(nmix) <- 20

# we may also interpret normal mixtures as densities assigned to
# parameters of a logit transformed response rate of a binomial
nmix_logit <- mixnorm(c(1, logit(1 / 4), 2 / sqrt(10)))
ess(nmix_logit, family = binomial)

# Gamma mixture example
gmix <- mixgamma(rob = c(0.3, 20, 4), inf = c(0.7, 50, 10))

ess(gmix) ## interpreted as appropriate for a Poisson likelihood (default)

likelihood(gmix) <- "exp"
ess(gmix) ## interpreted as appropriate for an exponential likelihood

Forest Plot


Creates a forest plot for gMAP analysis objects.


  prob = 0.95,
  est = c("both", "MAP", "Mean", "none"),
  model = c("stratified", "both", "meta"),
  point_est = c("median", "mean"),
  size = 1.25,
  alpha = 0.5



gMAP object.


confidence interval width and probability mass of credible intervals.


can be set to one of both (default), MAP, Mean or none. Controls which model estimates are to be included.


controls which estimates are displayed per study. Either stratified (default), both or meta.


shown point estimate. Either median (default) or mean.


controls point and linesize.


transparency of reference line. Setting alpha=0 suppresses the reference line.


The function creates a forest plot suitable for gMAP analyses. Note that the Meta-Analytic-Predictive prior is included by default in the plot as opposed to only showing the estimated model mean. See the examples below to obtain standard forest plots.

Also note that the plot internally flips the x and y-axis. Therefore, if you want to manipulate the x-axis, you have to give commands affecting the y-axis (see examples).


The function returns a ggplot2 plot object.

Customizing ggplot2 plots

The returned plot is a ggplot2 object. Please refer to the "Customizing Plots" vignette which is part of RBesT documentation for an introduction. For simple modifications (change labels, add reference lines, ...) consider the commands found in bayesplot-helpers. For more advanced customizations please use the ggplot2 package directly. A description of the most common tasks can be found in the R Cookbook and a full reference of available commands can be found at the ggplot2 documentation site.

See Also



# we consider the example AS MAP analysis

# default forest plot for a gMAP analysis

# standard forest plot (only stratified estimate and Mean)
forest_plot(map_AS, est = c("Mean"), model = "stratified")

# to further customize these plots, first load bayesplot and ggplot2

# to make plots with red colors, big fonts for presentations, suppress
# the x axis label and add another title (with a subtitle)
theme_set(theme_default(base_size = 16))
forest_plot(map_AS, size = 2) +
  yaxis_title(FALSE) +
  ggtitle("Ankylosing Spondylitis Forest Plot",
    subtitle = "Control Group Response Rate"

# the defaults are set with
theme_set(theme_default(base_size = 12))

Meta-Analytic-Predictive Analysis for Generalized Linear Models


Meta-Analytic-Predictive (MAP) analysis for generalized linear models suitable for normal, binary, or Poisson data. Model specification and overall syntax follows mainly glm conventions.


  family = gaussian,
  tau.dist = c("HalfNormal", "TruncNormal", "Uniform", "Gamma", "InvGamma", "LogNormal",
    "TruncCauchy", "Exp", "Fixed"),
  tau.strata.pred = 1,
  prior_PD = FALSE,
  REdist = c("normal", "t"),
  t.df = 5,
  contrasts = NULL,
  iter = getOption("RBesT.MC.iter", 6000),
  warmup = getOption("RBesT.MC.warmup", 2000),
  thin = getOption("RBesT.MC.thin", 4),
  init = getOption("RBesT.MC.init", 1),
  chains = getOption("RBesT.MC.chains", 4),
  cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1L)

## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
print(x, digits = 3, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
fitted(object, type = c("response", "link"), probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
coef(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
as.matrix(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
  type = c("response", "link"),
  probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),



the model formula describing the linear predictor and encoding the grouping; see details


defines data likelihood and link function (binomial, gaussian, or poisson)


optional data frame containing the variables of the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formula).


optional weight vector; see details below.


offset term in statistical model used for Poisson data


sets the exchangability stratum per study. That is, it is expected that each study belongs to a single stratum. Default is to assign all studies to stratum 1. See section differential heterogeniety below.


type of prior distribution for tau; supported priors are HalfNormal (default), TruncNormal, Uniform, Gamma, InvGamma, LogNormal, TruncCauchy, Exp and Fixed.


parameters of prior distribution for tau; see section prior specification below.


the index for the prediction stratum; default is 1.


mean and standard deviation for normal priors of regression coefficients, see section prior specification below.


logical to indicate if the prior predictive distribution should be sampled (no conditioning on the data). Defaults to FALSE.


type of random effects distribution. Normal (default) or t.


degrees of freedom if random-effects distribution is t.


an optional list; See contrasts.arg from model.matrix.default.


number of iterations (including warmup).


number of warmup iterations.


period of saving samples.


positive number to specify uniform range on unconstrained space for random initialization. See stan.


number of Markov chains.


number of cores for parallel sampling of chains.

x, object

gMAP analysis object created by gMAP function


number of displayed significant digits.


defines quantiles to be reported.


optional arguments are ignored


sets reported scale (response (default) or link).


The meta-analytic-predictive (MAP) approach derives a prior from historical data using a hierarchical model. The statistical model is formulated as a generalized linear mixed model for binary, normal (with fixed σ\sigma) and Poisson endpoints:

yihθihf(yihθih)y_{ih}|\theta_{ih} \sim f(y_{ih} | \theta_{ih})

Here, i=1,,Ni=1,\ldots,N is the index for observations, and h=1,,Hh=1,\ldots,H is the index for the grouping (usually studies). The model assumes the linear predictor for a transformed mean as

g(θih;xih,β)=xihβ+ϵhg(\theta_{ih}; x_{ih},\beta) = x_{ih} \, \beta + \epsilon_h

with xihx_{ih} being the row vector of kk covariates for observation ii. The variance component is assumed by default normal

ϵhN(0,τ2),h=1,,H\epsilon_h \sim N(0,\tau^2), \qquad h=1,\ldots,H

Lastly, the Bayesian implementation assumes independent normal priors for the kk regression coefficients and a prior for the between-group standard deviation τ\tau (see taud.dist for available distributions).

The MAP prior will then be derived from the above model as the conditional distribution of θ\theta_{\star} given the available data and the vector of covariates xx_{\star} defining the overall intercept

θx,y.\theta_{\star}| x_{\star},y .

A simple and common case arises for one observation (summary statistic) per trial. For a normal endpoint, the model then simplifies to the standard normal-normal hierarchical model. In the above notation, i=h=1,,Hi=h=1,\ldots,H and

yhθhN(θh,sh2)y_h|\theta_h \sim N(\theta_h,s_h^2)

θh=μ+ϵh\theta_h = \mu + \epsilon_h

ϵhN(0,τ2),\epsilon_h \sim N(0,\tau^2),

where the more common μ\mu is used for the only (intercept) parameter β1\beta_1. Since there are no covariates, the MAP prior is simply Pr(θy1,,yH)Pr(\theta_{\star} | y_1,\ldots,y_H).

The hierarchical model is a compromise between the two extreme cases of full pooling (τ=0\tau=0, full borrowing, no discounting) and no pooling (τ=\tau=\infty, no borrowing, stratification). The information content of the historical data grows with H (number of historical data items) indefinitely for full pooling whereas no information is gained in a stratified analysis. For a fixed τ\tau, the maximum effective sample size of the MAP prior is nn_\infty (HH\rightarrow \infty), which for a normal endpoint with fixed σ\sigma is

n=(τ2σ2)1,n_\infty = \left(\frac{\tau^2}{\sigma^2}\right)^{-1},

(Neuenschwander et al., 2010). Hence, the ratio τ/σ\tau/\sigma limits the amount of information a MAP prior is equivalent to. This allows for a classification of τ\tau values in relation to σ\sigma, which is crucial to define a prior PτP_\tau. The following classification is useful in a clinical trial setting:

Heterogeneity τ/σ\tau/\sigma nn_\infty
small 0.0625 256
moderate 0.125 64
substantial 0.25 16
large 0.5 4
very large 1.0 1

The above formula for nn_\infty assumes a known τ\tau. This is unrealistic as the between-trial heterogeneity parameter is often not well estimable, in particular if the number of trials is small (H small). The above table helps to specify a prior distribution for τ\tau appropriate for the given context which defines the crucial parameter σ\sigma. For binary and Poisson endpoints, normal approximations can be used to determine σ\sigma. See examples below for concrete cases.

The design matrix XX is defined by the formula for the linear predictor and is always of the form response ~ predictor | grouping, which follows glm conventions. The syntax has been extended to include a specification of the grouping (for example study) factor of the data with a horizontal bar, |. The bar separates the optionally specified grouping level, i.e. in the binary endpoint case cbind(r, n-r) ~ 1 | study. By default it is assumed that each row corresponds to an individual group (for which an individual parameter is estimated). Specifics for the different endpoints are:


family=gaussian assumes an identity link function. The response should be given as matrix with two columns with the first column being the observed mean value yihy_{ih} and the second column the standard error seihse_{ih} (of the mean). Additionally, it is recommended to specify with the weight argument the number of units which contributed to the (mean) measurement yihy_{ih}. This information is used to estimate σ\sigma.


family=binomial assumes a logit link function. The response must be given as two-column matrix with number of responders rr (first column) and non-responders nrn-r (second column).


family=poisson assumes a log link function. The response is a vector of counts. The total exposure times can be specified by an offset, which will be linearly added to the linear predictor. The offset can be given as part of the formula, y ~ 1 + offset(log(exposure)) or as the offset argument to gMAP. Note that the exposure unit must be given as log-offset.


The function returns a S3 object of type gMAP. See the methods section below for applicable functions to query the object.

Methods (by generic)

  • print(gMAP): displays a summary of the gMAP analysis.

  • fitted(gMAP): returns the quantiles of the posterior shrinkage estimates for each data item used during the analysis of the given gMAP object.

  • coef(gMAP): returns the quantiles of the predictive distribution. User can choose with type if the result is on the response or the link scale.

  • as.matrix(gMAP): extracts the posterior sample of the model.

  • summary(gMAP): returns the summaries of a gMAP. analysis. Output is a gMAPsummary object, which is a list containing


    posterior summary of the heterogeneity standard deviation


    posterior summary of the regression coefficients


    summary of the predictive distribution (given in dependence on the type argument either on response or link scale)


    posterior summary of the mean estimate (also depends on the type argument)

Differential Discounting

The above model assumes the same between-group standard deviation τ\tau, which implies that the data are equally relevant. This assumption can be relaxed to more than one τ\tau. That is,

ϵhN(0,τs(h)2)\epsilon_h \sim N(0,\tau_{s(h)}^2)

where s(h)s(h) assignes group hh to one of SS between-group heterogeneity strata.

For example, in a situation with two randomized and four observational studies, one may want to assume τ1\tau_1 (for trials 1 and 2) and τ2\tau_2 (for trials 3-6) for the between-trial standard deviations of the control means. More heterogeneity (less relevance) for the observational studies can then be expressed by appropriate priors for τ1\tau_1 and τ2\tau_2. In this case, S=2S=2 and the strata assignments (see tau.strata argument) would be s(1)=s(2)=1,s(3)==s(6)=2s(1)=s(2)=1, s(3)=\ldots=s(6)=2.

Prior Specification

The prior distribution for the regression coefficients β\beta is normal.

  • If a single number is given, then this is used as the standard deviation and the default mean of 0 is used.

  • If a vector is given, it must be of the same length as number of covariates defined and is used as standard deviation.

  • If a matrix with a single row is given, its first row will be used as mean and the second row will be used as standard deviation for all regression coefficients.

  • Lastly, a two-column matrix (mean and standard deviation columns) with as many columns as regression coefficients can be given.

It is recommended to always specify a beta.prior. Per default a mean of 0 is set. The standard deviation is set to 2 for the binary case, to 100 * sd(y) for the normal case and to sd(log(y + 0.5 + offset)) for the Poisson case.

For the between-trial heterogeniety τ\tau prior, a dispersion parameter must always be given for each exchangeability stratum. For the different tau.prior distributions, two parameters are needed out of which one is set to a default value if applicable:

Prior aa bb default
HalfNormal μ=0\mu = 0 σ\sigma
TruncNormal μ\mu σ\sigma μ=0\mu = 0
Uniform a b a = 0
Gamma α\alpha β\beta
InvGamma α\alpha β\beta
LogNormal μlog\mu_{\log} σlog\sigma_{\log}
TruncCauchy μ\mu σ\sigma μ=0\mu = 0
Exp β\beta 0
Fixed a 0

For a prior distribution with a default location parameter, a vector of length equal to the number of exchangability strata can be given. Otherwise, a two-column matrix with as many rows as exchangability strata must be given, except for a single τ\tau stratum, for which a vector of length two defines the parameters a and b.

Random seed

The MAP analysis is performed using Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC) in rstan. MCMC is a stochastic algorithm. To obtain exactly reproducible results you must use the set.seed function before calling gMAP. See RBesT overview page for global options on setting further MCMC simulation parameters.


Neuenschwander B, Capkun-Niggli G, Branson M, Spiegelhalter DJ. Summarizing historical information on controls in clinical trials. Clin Trials. 2010; 7(1):5-18

Schmidli H, Gsteiger S, Roychoudhury S, O'Hagan A, Spiegelhalter D, Neuenschwander B. Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics 2014;70(4):1023-1032.

Weber S, Li Y, Seaman III J.W., Kakizume T, Schmidli H. Applying Meta-Analytic Predictive Priors with the R Bayesian evidence synthesis tools. JSS 2021; 100(19):1-32

See Also

plot.gMAP, forest_plot, automixfit, predict.gMAP


## Setting up dummy sampling for fast execution of example
## Please use 4 chains and 20x more warmup & iter in practice
.user_mc_options <- options(RBesT.MC.warmup=50, RBesT.MC.iter=100,
                            RBesT.MC.chains=2, RBesT.MC.thin=1)

# Binary data example 1

# Mean response rate is ~0.25. For binary endpoints
# a conservative choice for tau is a HalfNormal(0,1) as long as
# the mean response rate is in the range of 0.2 to 0.8. For
# very small or large rates consider the n_infinity approach
# illustrated below.
# for exact reproducible results, the seed must be set
map_AS <- gMAP(cbind(r, n - r) ~ 1 | study,
  family = binomial,
  data = AS,
  tau.dist = "HalfNormal", tau.prior = 1,
  beta.prior = 2

# obtain numerical summaries
map_sum <- summary(map_AS)
# [1] "tau"        "beta"       "theta.pred" "theta"

# graphical model checks (returns list of ggplot2 plots)
map_checks <- plot(map_AS)
# forest plot with shrinkage estimates
# density of MAP prior on response scale
# density of MAP prior on link scale

# obtain shrinkage estimates

# regression coefficients

# finally fit MAP prior with parametric mixture
map_mix <- mixfit(map_AS, Nc = 2)

# optionally select number of components automatically via AIC
map_automix <- automixfit(map_AS)

# Normal example 2, see normal vignette

# Prior considerations

# The general principle to derive a prior for tau can be based on the
# n_infinity concept as discussed in Neuenschwander et al., 2010.
# This assumes a normal approximation which applies for the colitis
# data set as:
p_bar <- mean(with(colitis, r / n))
s <- round(1 / sqrt(p_bar * (1 - p_bar)), 1)
# s is the approximate sampling standard deviation and a
# conservative prior is tau ~ HalfNormal(0,s/2)
tau_prior_sd <- s / 2

# Evaluate HalfNormal prior for tau
tau_cat <- c(
  pooling = 0,
  small = 0.0625,
  moderate = 0.125,
  substantial = 0.25,
  large = 0.5,
  veryLarge = 1,
  stratified = Inf
# Interval probabilites (basically saying we are assuming
# heterogeniety to be smaller than very large)
diff(2 * pnorm(tau_cat * s, 0, tau_prior_sd))
# Cumulative probabilities as 1-F
1 - 2 * (pnorm(tau_cat * s, 0, tau_prior_sd) - 0.5)

## Recover user set sampling defaults

Read and Set Likelihood to the Corresponding Conjugate Prior


Read and set the likelihood distribution corresponding to the conjugate prior distribution.



likelihood(mix) <- value



Prior mixture distribution.


New likelihood. Should only be changed for Gamma priors as these are supported with either Poisson (value="poisson") or Exponential (value="exp") likelihoods.


If the prior and posterior distributions are in the same family, then the prior distribution is called a conjugate prior for the likelihood function.

Supported Conjugate Prior-Likelihood Pairs

Prior/Posterior Likelihood Predictive Summaries
Beta Binomial Beta-Binomial n, r
Normal Normal (fixed σ\sigma) Normal n, m, se
Gamma Poisson Gamma-Poisson n, m
Gamma Exponential Gamma-Exp (not supported) n, m


# Gamma mixture
gmix <- mixgamma(c(0.3, 20, 4), c(0.7, 50, 10))

# read out conjugate partner


# set conjugate partner
likelihood(gmix) <- "exp"

# ... which changes the interpretation of the mixture

Logit (log-odds) and inverse-logit function.


Calculates the logit (log-odds) and inverse-logit.






A numeric object with probabilies, with values in the in the range [0,1]. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


A numeric object with log-odds values, with values in the range [-Inf,Inf]. Missing values (NAs) are allowed.


Values of mu equal to 0 or 1 will return -Inf or Inf respectively.


A numeric object of the same type as mu and eta containing the logits or inverse logit of the input values. The logit and inverse transformation equates to

logit(μ)=log(μ/(1μ))\mbox{logit}(\mu) = \log(\mu/(1-\mu))

logit1(η)=exp(η)/(1+exp(η)).\mbox{logit}^{-1}(\eta)= \exp(\eta)/(1 + \exp(\eta)).



Mixture Distributions


Density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for supported mixture distributions. (d/p/q/r)mix are generic and work with any mixture supported by BesT (see table below).


dmix(mix, x, log = FALSE)

pmix(mix, q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

qmix(mix, p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)

rmix(mix, n)

## S3 method for class 'mix'
mix[[..., rescale = FALSE]]



mixture distribution object

x, q

vector of quantiles

log, log.p

logical; if TRUE (not default), probabilities pp are given as log(p)\log(p)


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[Xx]P[X\leq x] otherwise, P[X>x]P[X>x]


vector of probabilities


number of observations. If length(n) > 1, the length is taken to be the number required


components to subset given mixture.


logical; if TRUE, mixture weights will be rescaled to sum to 1


A mixture distribution is defined as a linear superposition of KK densities of the same distributional class. The mixture distributions supported have the form

f(x,w,a,b)=k=1Kwkfk(x,ak,bk).f(x,\mathbf{w},\mathbf{a},\mathbf{b}) = \sum_{k=1}^K w_k \, f_k(x,a_k,b_k).

The wkw_k are the mixing coefficients which must sum to 11. Moreover, each density ff is assumed to be parametrized by two parameters such that each component kk is defined by a triplet, (wk,ak,bk)(w_k,a_k,b_k).

Individual mixture components can be extracted using the [[ operator, see examples below.

The supported densities are normal, beta and gamma which can be instantiated with mixnorm, mixbeta, or mixgamma, respectively. In addition, the respective predictive distributions are supported. These can be obtained by calling preddist which returns appropriate normal, beta-binomial or Poisson-gamma mixtures.

For convenience a summary function is defined for all mixtures. It returns the mean, standard deviation and the requested quantiles which can be specified with the argument probs.


dmix gives the weighted sum of the densities of each component.

pmix calculates the distribution function by evaluating the weighted sum of each components distribution function.

qmix returns the quantile for the given p by using that the distribution function is monotonous and hence a gradient based minimization scheme can be used to find the matching quantile q.

rmix generates a random sample of size n by first sampling a latent component indicator in the range 1..K1..K for each draw and then the function samples from each component a random draw using the respective sampling function. The rnorm function returns the random draws as numerical vector with an additional attribute ind which gives the sampled component indicator.

Supported Conjugate Prior-Likelihood Pairs

Prior/Posterior Likelihood Predictive Summaries
Beta Binomial Beta-Binomial n, r
Normal Normal (fixed σ\sigma) Normal n, m, se
Gamma Poisson Gamma-Poisson n, m
Gamma Exponential Gamma-Exp (not supported) n, m

See Also


Other mixdist: mixbeta(), mixcombine(), mixgamma(), mixmvnorm(), mixnorm(), mixplot


## a beta mixture
bm <- mixbeta(weak = c(0.2, 2, 10), inf = c(0.4, 10, 100), inf2 = c(0.4, 30, 80))

## extract the two most informative components
bm[[c(2, 3)]]
## rescaling needed in order to plot
plot(bm[[c(2, 3), rescale = TRUE]])


Beta Mixture Density


The Beta mixture density and auxilary functions.


mixbeta(..., param = c("ab", "ms", "mn"))

ms2beta(m, s, drop = TRUE)

mn2beta(m, n, drop = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaBinomialMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
summary(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaBinomialMix'
summary(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)



List of mixture components.


Determines how the parameters in the list are interpreted. See details.


Vector of means of beta mixture components.


Vector of standard deviations of beta mixture components.


Delete the dimensions of an array which have only one level.


Vector of number of observations.


The mixture to print


Beta mixture object.


Quantiles reported by the summary function.


Each entry in the ... argument list is expected to be a triplet of numbers which defines the weight wkw_k, first and second parameter of the mixture component kk. A triplet can optionally be named which will be used appropriately.

The first and second parameter can be given in different parametrizations which is set by the param option:


Natural parametrization of Beta density (a=shape1 and b=shape2). Default.


Mean and standard deviation, m=a/(a+b)m=a/(a+b) and s=m(1m)1+ns=\sqrt{\frac{m(1-m)}{1+n}}, where n=a+bn=a+b is the number of observations. Note that ss must be less than m(1m)\sqrt{m(1-m)}.


Mean and number of observations, n=a+bn=a+b.


mixbeta returns a beta mixture with the specified mixture components. ms2beta and mn2beta return the equivalent natural a and b parametrization given parameters m, s, or n.

See Also

Other mixdist: mix, mixcombine(), mixgamma(), mixmvnorm(), mixnorm(), mixplot


## a beta mixture
bm <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 2, 10), inf = c(0.4, 10, 100), inf2 = c(0.4, 30, 80))

# mean/standard deviation parametrization
bm2 <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.2), inf = c(0.8, 0.4, 0.01), param = "ms")

# mean/observations parametrization
bm3 <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 0.3, 5), inf = c(0.8, 0.4, 30), param = "mn")

# even mixed is possible
bm4 <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, mn2beta(0.3, 5)), inf = c(0.8, ms2beta(0.4, 0.1)))

# print methods are defined

Combine Mixture Distributions


Combining mixture distributions of the same class to form a new mixture.


mixcombine(..., weight, rescale = TRUE)



arbitrary number of mixtures with same distributional class. Each component with values of mixture weight and model parameters.


relative weight for each component in new mixture distribution. The vector must be of the same length as input mixtures components. The default value gives equal weight to each component.


boolean value indicates if the weights are rescaled to sum to 1.


Combines mixtures of the same class of random variable to form a new mixture distribution.


A R-object with the new mixture distribution.

See Also


Other mixdist: mix, mixbeta(), mixgamma(), mixmvnorm(), mixnorm(), mixplot


# beta with two informative components
bm <- mixbeta(inf = c(0.5, 10, 100), inf2 = c(0.5, 30, 80))

# robustified with mixcombine, i.e. a 10% uninformative part added
unif <- mixbeta(rob = c(1, 1, 1))
mixcombine(bm, unif, weight = c(9, 1))

Difference of mixture distributions


Density, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for the difference of two mixture distributions.


dmixdiff(mix1, mix2, x)

pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, q, lower.tail = TRUE)

qmixdiff(mix1, mix2, p, lower.tail = TRUE)

rmixdiff(mix1, mix2, n)



first mixture density


second mixture density


vector of values for which density values are computed


vector of quantiles for which cumulative probabilities are computed


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x], otherwise P[X > x].


vector of cumulative probabilities for which quantiles are computed


size of random sample


If x1f1(x1)x_1 \sim f_1(x_1) and x2f2(x2)x_2 \sim f_2(x_2), the density of the difference dx1x2d \equiv x_1 - x_2 is given by

fd(d)=f1(u)f2(ud)du.f_d(d) = \int f_1(u) \, f_2(u - d) \, du.

The cumulative distribution function equates to

Fd(d)=f1(u)(1F2(ud))du.F_d(d) = \int f_1(u) \, (1-F_2(u-d)) \, du.

Both integrals are performed over the full support of the densities and use the numerical integration function integrate.


Respective density, quantile, cumulative density or random numbers.


# 1. Difference between two beta distributions, i.e. Pr( mix1 - mix2 > 0)
mix1 <- mixbeta(c(1, 11, 4))
mix2 <- mixbeta(c(1, 8, 7))
pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0, FALSE)

# Interval probability, i.e. Pr( 0.3 > mix1 - mix2 > 0)
pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0.3) - pmixdiff(mix1, mix2, 0)

# 2. two distributions, one of them a mixture
m1 <- mixbeta(c(1, 30, 50))
m2 <- mixbeta(c(0.75, 20, 50), c(0.25, 1, 1))

# random sample of difference
rM <- rmixdiff(m1, m2, 1E4)

# histogram of random numbers and exact density
hist(rM, prob = TRUE, new = TRUE, nclass = 40)
curve(dmixdiff(m1, m2, x), add = TRUE, n = 51)

# threshold probabilities for difference, at 0 and 0.2
pmixdiff(m1, m2, 0)
mean(rM < 0)
pmixdiff(m1, m2, 0.2)
mean(rM < 0.2)

# median of difference
mdn <- qmixdiff(m1, m2, 0.5)
mean(rM < mdn)

# 95%-interval
qmixdiff(m1, m2, c(0.025, 0.975))
quantile(rM, c(0.025, 0.975))

Fit of Mixture Densities to Samples


Expectation-Maximization (EM) based fitting of parametric mixture densities to numerical samples. This provides a convenient approach to approximate MCMC samples with a parametric mixture distribution.


mixfit(sample, type = c("norm", "beta", "gamma", "mvnorm"), thin, ...)

## Default S3 method:
mixfit(sample, type = c("norm", "beta", "gamma", "mvnorm"), thin, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
mixfit(sample, type, thin, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAPpred'
mixfit(sample, type, thin, ...)

## S3 method for class 'array'
mixfit(sample, type, thin, ...)



Sample to be fitted.


Mixture density to use. Can be either norm, beta or gamma.


Thinning applied to the sample. See description for default behavior.


Parameters passed to the low-level EM fitting functions. Parameter Nc is mandatory.


Parameters of EM fitting functions


Number of mixture components. Required parameter.


Initial mixture density. If missing (default) then a k-nearest-neighbor algorithm is used to find an initial mixture density.


Number of data points used for initialization. Defaults to 50.


If set to TRUE the function will inform about fitting process


Maximal number of iterations. Defaults to 500.


Defines a convergence criteria as an upper bound for the change in the log-likelihood, i.e. once the derivative (with respect to iterations) of the log-likelihood falls below tol, the function declares convergence and stops.


Must be a triplet of numbers which set the desired accuracy of the inferred parameters per mixture component. See below for a description of the parameters used during EM. EM is stopped once a running mean of the absolute difference between the last successive Neps estimates is below the given eps for all parameters. Defaults to 5E-3 for each parameter.


Number of iterations used for the running mean of parameter estimates to test for convergence. Defaults to 5.


Logical value controlling if the Beta EM constrains all parameters a & b to be greater than 1. By default constraints are turned on (new since 1.6-0).

By default the EM convergence is declared when the desired accuracy of the parameters has been reached over the last Neps estimates. If tol and Neps is specified, then whatever criterion is met first will stop the EM.

The parameters per component kk used internally during fitting are for the different EM procedures:


logit(wk),μk,log(σk)logit(w_k), \mu_k, \log(\sigma_k)


logit(wk),log(ak),log(bk)logit(w_k), \log(a_k), \log(b_k)

constrained beta

logit(wk),log(ak1),log(bk1)logit(w_k), \log(a_k-1), \log(b_k-1)


logit(wk),log(αk),log(βk)logit(w_k), \log(\alpha_k), \log(\beta_k)

Note: Whenever no mix_init argument is given, the EM fitting routines assume that the data vector is given in random order. If in the unlikely event that the EM gets caught in a local extremum, then random reordering of the data vector may alleviate the issue.


A mixture object according the requested type is returned. The object has additional information attached, i.e. the log-likelihood can be queried and diagnostic plots can be generated. See links below.

Methods (by class)

  • mixfit(default): Performs an EM fit for the given sample. Thinning is applied only if thin is specified.

  • mixfit(gMAP): Fits the default predictive distribution from a gMAP analysis. Automatically obtains the predictive distribution of the intercept only case on the response scale mixture from the gMAP object. For the binomial case a beta mixture, for the gaussian case a normal mixture and for the Poisson case a gamma mixture will be used. In the gaussian case, the resulting normal mixture will set the reference scale to the estimated sigma in gMAP call.

  • mixfit(gMAPpred): Fits a mixture density for each prediction from the gMAP prediction.

  • mixfit(array): Fits a mixture density for an MCMC sample. It is recommended to provide a thinning argument which roughly yields independent draws (i.e. use acf to identify a thinning lag with small auto-correlation). The input array is expected to have 3 dimensions which are nested as iterations, chains, and draws.


Dempster A.P., Laird N.M., Rubin D.B. Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 1977; 39 (1): 1-38.

See Also

Other EM: plot.EM()


bmix <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 1, 1), inf = c(0.8, 10, 2))

bsamp <- rmix(bmix, 1000)

bfit <- mixfit(bsamp, type = "beta", Nc = 2)

# diagnostic plots can easily by generated from the EM fit with
bfit.check <- plot(bfit)


# check convergence of parameters

# obtain the log-likelihood

# or AIC

The Gamma Mixture Distribution


The gamma mixture density and auxiliary functions.


mixgamma(..., param = c("ab", "ms", "mn"), likelihood = c("poisson", "exp"))

ms2gamma(m, s, drop = TRUE)

mn2gamma(m, n, likelihood = c("poisson", "exp"), drop = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaPoissonMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaExpMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
summary(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaPoissonMix'
summary(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)



List of mixture components.


Determines how the parameters in the list are interpreted. See details.


Defines with what likelihood the Gamma density is used (Poisson or Exp). Defaults to poisson.


Vector of means of the Gamma mixture components


Vector of standard deviations of the gamma mixture components,


Delete the dimensions of an array which have only one level.


Vector of sample sizes of the Gamma mixture components.


The mixture to print


Gamma mixture object.


Quantiles reported by the summary function.


Each entry in the ... argument list is expected to be a triplet of numbers which defines the weight wkw_k, first and second parameter of the mixture component kk. A triplet can optionally be named which will be used appropriately.

The first and second parameter can be given in different parametrizations which is set by the param option:


Natural parametrization of Gamma density (a=shape and b=rate). Default.


Mean and standard deviation, m=a/bm=a/b and s=a/bs=\sqrt{a}/b.


Mean and number of observations. Translation to natural parameter depends on the likelihood argument. For a Poisson likelihood n=bn=b (and a=mna=m \cdot n), for an Exp likelihood n=an=a (and b=n/mb=n/m).


mixgamma returns a gamma mixture with the specified mixture components. ms2gamma and mn2gamma return the equivalent natural a and b parametrization given parameters m, s, or n.

See Also

Other mixdist: mix, mixbeta(), mixcombine(), mixmvnorm(), mixnorm(), mixplot


# Gamma mixture with robust and informative component
gmix <- mixgamma(rob = c(0.3, 20, 4), inf = c(0.7, 50, 10))

# objects can be printed
# or explicitly

# summaries are defined

# sub-components may be extracted
# by component number
# or component name

# alternative mean and standard deviation parametrization
gmsMix <- mixgamma(rob = c(0.5, 8, 0.5), inf = c(0.5, 9, 2), param = "ms")

# or mean and number of observations parametrization
gmnMix <- mixgamma(rob = c(0.2, 2, 1), inf = c(0.8, 2, 5), param = "mn")

# and mixed parametrizations are also possible
gfmix <- mixgamma(rob1 = c(0.15, mn2gamma(2, 1)),
                  rob2 = c(0.15, ms2gamma(2, 5)),
                  inf = c(0.7, 50, 10))

Multivariate Normal Mixture Density


The multivariate normal mixture density and auxiliary functions.


mixmvnorm(..., sigma, param = c("ms", "mn"))

## S3 method for class 'mvnormMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mvnormMix'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mvnormMix'
sigma(object, ...)



List of mixture components.


Reference covariance.


Determines how the parameters in the list are interpreted. See details.


The mixture to print


Multivariate normal mixture object.


Each entry in the ... argument list is a numeric vector defining one component of the mixture multivariate normal distribution. The first entry of the component defining vector is the weight of the mixture component followed by the vector of means in each dimension and finally a specification of the covariance matrix, which depends on the chosen parametrization. The covariance matrix is expected to be given as numeric vector in a column-major format, which is standard conversion applied to matrices by the vector concatenation function c. Please refer to the examples section below.

Each component defining vector can be specified in different ways as determined by the param option:


Mean vector and covariance matrix s. Default.


Mean vector and number of observations. n determines the covariance for each component via the relation Σ/n\Sigma/n with Σ\Sigma being the known reference covariance.

The reference covariance Σ\Sigma is the known covariance in the normal-normal model (observation covariance). The function sigma can be used to query the reference covariance and may also be used to assign a new reference covariance, see examples below. In case sigma is not specified, the user has to supply sigma as argument to functions which require a reference covariance.


Returns a multivariate normal mixture with the specified mixture components.

See Also

Other mixdist: mix, mixbeta(), mixcombine(), mixgamma(), mixnorm(), mixplot


S <- diag(c(1, 2)) %*% matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 1), 2, 2) %*% diag(c(1, 2))
mvnm1 <- mixmvnorm(
  rob = c(0.2, c(0, 0), diag(c(5, 5))),
  inf = c(0.8, c(0.5, 1), S / 10), sigma = S


mixSamp1 <- rmix(mvnm1, 500)

Normal Mixture Density


The normal mixture density and auxiliary functions.


mixnorm(..., sigma, param = c("ms", "mn"))

mn2norm(m, n, sigma, drop = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
summary(object, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975), ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
sigma(object, ...)

sigma(object) <- value



List of mixture components.


Reference scale.


Determines how the parameters in the list are interpreted. See details.


Vector of means


Vector of sample sizes.


Delete the dimensions of an array which have only one level.


The mixture to print


Normal mixture object.


Quantiles reported by the summary function.


New value of the reference scale sigma.


Each entry in the ... argument list is expected to be a triplet of numbers which defines the weight wkw_k, first and second parameter of the mixture component kk. A triplet can optionally be named which will be used appropriately.

The first and second parameter can be given in different parametrizations which is set by the param option:


Mean and standard deviation. Default.


Mean and number of observations. n determines s via the relation s=σ/ns=\sigma/\sqrt{n} with σ\sigma being the fixed reference scale.

The reference scale σ\sigma is the fixed standard deviation in the one-parameter normal-normal model (observation standard deviation). The function sigma can be used to query the reference scale and may also be used to assign a new reference scale, see examples below. In case the sigma is not specified, the user has to supply sigma as argument to functions which require a reference scale.


Returns a normal mixture with the specified mixture components. mn2norm returns the mean and standard deviation given a mean and sample size parametrization.


  • sigma(object) <- value: Allows to assign a new reference scale sigma.

See Also

Other mixdist: mix, mixbeta(), mixcombine(), mixgamma(), mixmvnorm(), mixplot


nm <- mixnorm(rob = c(0.2, 0, 2), inf = c(0.8, 2, 2), sigma = 5)


mixSamp <- rmix(nm, 500)
plot(nm, samp = mixSamp)

# support defined by quantiles
qmix(nm, c(0.01, 0.99))

# density function
dmix(nm, seq(-5, 5, by = 2))

# distribution function
pmix(nm, seq(-5, 5, by = 2))

# the reference scale can be changed (it determines the ESS)

sigma(nm) <- 10

Plot mixture distributions


Plotting for mixture distributions


## S3 method for class 'mix'
plot(x, prob = 0.99, fun = dmix, log = FALSE, comp = TRUE, size = 1.25, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mvnormMix'
plot(x, prob = 0.99, fun = dmix, log = FALSE, comp = TRUE, size = 1.25, ...)



mixture distribution


defining lower and upper percentile of x-axis. Defaults to the 99% central probability mass.


function to plot which can be any of dmix, qmix or pmix.


log argument passed to the function specified in fun.


for the density function this can be set to TRUE which will display colour-coded each mixture component of the density in addition to the density.


controls the linesize in plots.


extra arguments passed on to the plotted function.


Plot function for mixture distribution objects. It shows the density/quantile/cumulative distribution (corresponds to d/q/pmix function) for some specific central probability mass defined by prob. By default the x-axis is chosen to show 99% of the probability density mass.


A ggplot object is returned.

Customizing ggplot2 plots

The returned plot is a ggplot2 object. Please refer to the "Customizing Plots" vignette which is part of RBesT documentation for an introduction. For simple modifications (change labels, add reference lines, ...) consider the commands found in bayesplot-helpers. For more advanced customizations please use the ggplot2 package directly. A description of the most common tasks can be found in the R Cookbook and a full reference of available commands can be found at the ggplot2 documentation site.

See Also

Other mixdist: mix, mixbeta(), mixcombine(), mixgamma(), mixmvnorm(), mixnorm()


# beta with two informative components
bm <- mixbeta(inf = c(0.5, 10, 100), inf2 = c(0.5, 30, 80))
plot(bm, fun = pmix)

# for customizations of the plot we need to load ggplot2 first

# show a histogram along with the density
plot(bm) + geom_histogram(
  data = data.frame(x = rmix(bm, 1000)),
  aes(y = ..density..), bins = 50, alpha = 0.4

# note: we can also use bayesplot for histogram plots with a density ...
mh <- mcmc_hist(data.frame(x = rmix(bm, 1000)), freq = FALSE) +
  overlay_function(fun = dmix, args = list(mix = bm))
# ...and even add each component
for (k in 1:ncol(bm)) {
  mh <- mh + overlay_function(fun = dmix, args = list(mix = bm[[k]]), linetype = I(2))

# normal mixture
nm <- mixnorm(rob = c(0.2, 0, 2), inf = c(0.8, 6, 2), sigma = 5)
plot(nm, fun = qmix)

# obtain ggplot2 object and change title
pl <- plot(nm)
pl + ggtitle("Normal 2-Component Mixture")

Mixture distributions as brms priors


Adapter function converting mixture distributions for use with brm models via the stanvar facility.


mixstanvar(..., verbose = FALSE)



List of mixtures to convert.


Enables printing of the mixture priors when chains start to sample. Defaults to FALSE.


To declare mixture priors in a brm model requires two steps: First, the mixture densities need to be converted by the adapter function mixstanvar into a stanvars object which is passed to the stanvars argument of the brm function. Doing so extends the Stan code and data generated by brm such that the mixture densities can be used as priors within the brm model. The second step is to assign parameters of the brm model to the mixture density as prior using the set_prior command of brms.

The adapter function translates the mixture distributions as defined in R to the respective mixture distribution in Stan. Within Stan the mixture distributions are named in accordance to the R functions used to create the respective mixture distributions. That is, a mixture density of normals created by mixnorm is referred to as mixnorm_lpdf in Stan such that one can refer to the density as mixnorm within the set_prior functions (the suffix _lpdf is automatically added by brm). The arguments to these mixture distributions depend on the specific distribution type as follows:

Density Arguments
mixbeta(w, a, b) w weights, a shapes, b shapes
mixgamma(w, a, b) w weights, a shapes, b inverse scales
mixnorm(w, m, s) w weights, m means, s standard deviations
mixmvnorm(w, m, sigma_L) w weights, m means, sigma_L cholesky factors of covariances

These arguments to the mixture densities refer to the different density parameters and are automatically extracted from the mixtures when converted. Important here are the argument names as these must be used to declare the mixture prior. For each mixture to convert as part of the ... argument to mixstanvar a label is determined using the name given in the list. In case no name is given, then the name of the R object itself is used. To declare a prior for a parameter the mixture distribution must be used with it's arguments following the convention label_argument. Please refer to the examples section for an illustration.

Note: Models created by brm do use by default a data-dependent centering of covariates leading to a shift of the overall intercept. This is commonly not desirable in applications of this functionality. It is therefore strongly recommended to pass the option center=FALSE as argument to the brms formula created with the bf function as demonstrated with the example below.


stanvars object to be used as argument to the stanvars argument of a brm model.


## Not run: 
# The mixstanvar adapter requires the optional packages brms and glue
stopifnot(require("brms"), require("glue"))

# Assume we prefer a logistic regression MCMC analysis rather than a
# beta-binomial analysis for the responder endpoint of the ankylosing
# spondylitis (AS) example. Reasons to prefer a regression analysis is
# to allow for baseline covariate adjustments, for example.
map_AS_beta <- mixbeta(c(0.62, 19.2, 57.8), c(0.38, 3.5, 9.4))

# First we need to convert the beta mixture to a respective mixture on
# the log odds scale and approximate it with a normal mixture density.
map_AS_samp <- rmix(map_AS_beta, 1E4)
map_AS <- mixfit(logit(map_AS_samp), type = "norm", Nc = 2)

# Trial results for placebo and secukinumab.
trial <- data.frame(
  n = c(6, 24),
  r = c(1, 15),
  arm = factor(c("placebo", "secukinumab"))

# Define brms model such that the overall intercept corresponds to the
# placebo response rate on the logit scale. NOTE: The use of
# center=FALSE is required here as detailed in the note above.
model <- bf(r | trials(n) ~ 1 + arm, family = binomial, center = FALSE)
# to obtain detailed information on the declared model parameters use
# get_prior(model, data=trial)
# declare model prior with reference to mixture normal map prior...
model_prior <- prior(mixnorm(map_w, map_m, map_s), coef = Intercept) +
  prior(normal(0, 2), class = b)

# ... which must be made available to brms using the mixstanvar adapter.
# Note that the map_AS prior is labeled "map" as referred to in the
# previous prior declaration.
analysis <- brm(model,
  data = trial, prior = model_prior,
  stanvars = mixstanvar(map = map_AS),
  seed = 365634, refresh = 0

# Let's compare the logistic regression estimate for the probability
# of a positive treatment effect (secukinumab response rate exceeding
# the response rate of placebo) to the direct beta-binomial analysis:
hypothesis(analysis, "armsecukinumab > 0")

post_secukinumab <- postmix(mixbeta(c(1, 0.5, 1)), r = 15, n = 24)
post_placebo <- postmix(map_AS_beta, r = 1, n = 6)
pmixdiff(post_secukinumab, post_placebo, 0, lower.tail = FALSE)
# The posterior probability for a positive treatment effect
# is very close to unity in both cases.

## End(Not run)

Operating Characteristics for 1 Sample Design


The oc1S function defines a 1 sample design (prior, sample size, decision function) for the calculation of the frequency at which the decision is evaluated to 1 conditional on assuming known parameters. A function is returned which performs the actual operating characteristics calculations.


oc1S(prior, n, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
oc1S(prior, n, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
oc1S(prior, n, decision, sigma, eps = 1e-06, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
oc1S(prior, n, decision, eps = 1e-06, ...)



Prior for analysis.


Sample size for the experiment.


One-sample decision function to use; see decision1S.


Optional arguments.


The fixed reference scale. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior is assumed.


Support of random variables are determined as the interval covering 1-eps probability mass. Defaults to 10610^{-6}.


The oc1S function defines a 1 sample design and returns a function which calculates its operating characteristics. This is the frequency with which the decision function is evaluated to 1 under the assumption of a given true distribution of the data defined by a known parameter θ\theta. The 1 sample design is defined by the prior, the sample size and the decision function, D(y)D(y). These uniquely define the decision boundary, see decision1S_boundary.

When calling the oc1S function, then internally the critical value ycy_c (using decision1S_boundary) is calculated and a function is returns which can be used to calculated the desired frequency which is evaluated as



Returns a function with one argument theta which calculates the frequency at which the decision function is evaluated to 1 for the defined 1 sample design. Note that the returned function takes vectors arguments.

Methods (by class)

  • oc1S(betaMix): Applies for binomial model with a mixture beta prior. The calculations use exact expressions.

  • oc1S(normMix): Applies for the normal model with known standard deviation σ\sigma and a normal mixture prior for the mean. As a consequence from the assumption of a known standard deviation, the calculation discards sampling uncertainty of the second moment. The function oc1S has an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}). The critical value ycy_c is searched in the region of probability mass 1-eps for yy.

  • oc1S(gammaMix): Applies for the Poisson model with a gamma mixture prior for the rate parameter. The function oc1S takes an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}) which determines the region of probability mass 1-eps where the boundary is searched for yy.

See Also

Other design1S: decision1S(), decision1S_boundary(), pos1S()


# non-inferiority example using normal approximation of log-hazard
# ratio, see ?decision1S for all details
s <- 2
flat_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 100), sigma = s)
nL <- 233
theta_ni <- 0.4
theta_a <- 0
alpha <- 0.05
beta <- 0.2
za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
zb <- qnorm(1 - beta)
n1 <- round((s * (za + zb) / (theta_ni - theta_a))^2)
theta_c <- theta_ni - za * s / sqrt(n1)

# standard NI design
decA <- decision1S(1 - alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail = TRUE)

# double criterion design
# statistical significance (like NI design)
dec1 <- decision1S(1 - alpha, theta_ni, lower.tail = TRUE)
# require mean to be at least as good as theta_c
dec2 <- decision1S(0.5, theta_c, lower.tail = TRUE)
# combination
decComb <- decision1S(c(1 - alpha, 0.5), c(theta_ni, theta_c), lower.tail = TRUE)

theta_eval <- c(theta_a, theta_c, theta_ni)

# evaluate different designs at two sample sizes
designA_n1 <- oc1S(flat_prior, n1, decA)
designA_nL <- oc1S(flat_prior, nL, decA)
designC_n1 <- oc1S(flat_prior, n1, decComb)
designC_nL <- oc1S(flat_prior, nL, decComb)

# evaluate designs at the key log-HR of positive treatment (HR<1),
# the indecision point and the NI margin


# to understand further the dual criterion design it is useful to
# evaluate the criterions separatley:
# statistical significance criterion to warrant NI...
designC1_nL <- oc1S(flat_prior, nL, dec1)
# ... or the clinically determined indifference point
designC2_nL <- oc1S(flat_prior, nL, dec2)


# see also ?decision1S_boundary to see which of the two criterions
# will drive the decision

Operating Characteristics for 2 Sample Design


The oc2S function defines a 2 sample design (priors, sample sizes & decision function) for the calculation of operating characeristics. A function is returned which calculates the calculates the frequency at which the decision function is evaluated to 1 when assuming known parameters.


oc2S(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
oc2S(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, eps, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
  eps = 1e-06,
  Ngrid = 10,

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
oc2S(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, eps = 1e-06, ...)



Prior for sample 1.


Prior for sample 2.

n1, n2

Sample size of the respective samples. Sample size n1 must be greater than 0 while sample size n2 must be greater or equal to 0.


Two-sample decision function to use; see decision2S.


Optional arguments.


Support of random variables are determined as the interval covering 1-eps probability mass. Defaults to 10610^{-6}.


The fixed reference scale of sample 1. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior 1 is assumed.


The fixed reference scale of sample 2. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior 2 is assumed.


Determines density of discretization grid on which decision function is evaluated (see below for more details).


The oc2S function defines a 2 sample design and returns a function which calculates its operating characteristics. This is the frequency with which the decision function is evaluated to 1 under the assumption of a given true distribution of the data defined by the known parameter θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2. The 2 sample design is defined by the priors, the sample sizes and the decision function, D(y1,y2)D(y_1,y_2). These uniquely define the decision boundary , see decision2S_boundary.

Calling the oc2S function calculates the decision boundary D1(y2)D_1(y_2) (see decision2S_boundary) and returns a function which can be used to calculate the desired frequency which is evaluated as

f2(y2θ2)F1(D1(y2)θ1)dy2.\int f_2(y_2|\theta_2) F_1(D_1(y_2)|\theta_1) dy_2.

See below for examples and specifics for the supported mixture priors.


Returns a function which when called with two arguments theta1 and theta2 will return the frequencies at which the decision function is evaluated to 1 whenever the data is distributed according to the known parameter values in each sample. Note that the returned function takes vector arguments.

Methods (by class)

  • oc2S(betaMix): Applies for binomial model with a mixture beta prior. The calculations use exact expressions. If the optional argument eps is defined, then an approximate method is used which limits the search for the decision boundary to the region of 1-eps probability mass. This is useful for designs with large sample sizes where an exact approach is very costly to calculate.

  • oc2S(normMix): Applies for the normal model with known standard deviation σ\sigma and normal mixture priors for the means. As a consequence from the assumption of a known standard deviation, the calculation discards sampling uncertainty of the second moment. The function has two extra arguments (with defaults): eps (10610^{-6}) and Ngrid (10). The decision boundary is searched in the region of probability mass 1-eps, respectively for y1y_1 and y2y_2. The continuous decision function is evaluated at a discrete grid, which is determined by a spacing with δ2=σ2/Ngrid\delta_2 = \sigma_2/\sqrt{N_{grid}}. Once the decision boundary is evaluated at the discrete steps, a spline is used to inter-polate the decision boundary at intermediate points.

  • oc2S(gammaMix): Applies for the Poisson model with a gamma mixture prior for the rate parameter. The function oc2S takes an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}) which determines the region of probability mass 1-eps where the boundary is searched for y1y_1 and y2y_2, respectively.


Schmidli H, Gsteiger S, Roychoudhury S, O'Hagan A, Spiegelhalter D, Neuenschwander B. Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics 2014;70(4):1023-1032.

See Also

Other design2S: decision2S(), decision2S_boundary(), pos2S()


# example from Schmidli et al., 2014
dec <- decision2S(0.975, 0, lower.tail = FALSE)

prior_inf <- mixbeta(c(1, 4, 16))
prior_rob <- robustify(prior_inf, weight = 0.2, mean = 0.5)
prior_uni <- mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1))

N <- 40
N_ctl <- N - 20

# compare designs with different priors
design_uni <- oc2S(prior_uni, prior_uni, N, N_ctl, dec)
design_inf <- oc2S(prior_uni, prior_inf, N, N_ctl, dec)
design_rob <- oc2S(prior_uni, prior_rob, N, N_ctl, dec)

# type I error
curve(design_inf(x, x), 0, 1)
curve(design_uni(x, x), lty = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(design_rob(x, x), lty = 3, add = TRUE)

# power
curve(design_inf(0.2 + x, 0.2), 0, 0.5)
curve(design_uni(0.2 + x, 0.2), lty = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(design_rob(0.2 + x, 0.2), lty = 3, add = TRUE)

Diagnostic plots for EM fits


Produce diagnostic plots of EM fits returned from mixfit.


## S3 method for class 'EM'
plot(x, size = 1.25, link = c("identity", "logit", "log"), ...)



EM fit


Optional argument passed to ggplot2 routines which control line thickness.


Choice of an applied link function. Can take one of the values identity (default), logit or log.



Overlays the fitted mixture density with a histogram and a density plot of the raw sample fitted. Applying a link function can be beneficial, for example a logit (log) link for beta (gamma) mixtures obtained from a Binomial (Poisson) gMAP analysis.


A list of ggplot plots for diagnostics of the EM run. Detailed EM diagnostic plots are included only if the global option RBesT.verbose is set to TRUE. These include plots of the parameters of each component vs the iteration. The plot of the mixture density with a histogram and a density of the fitted sample is always returned.

Customizing ggplot2 plots

The returned plot is a ggplot2 object. Please refer to the "Customizing Plots" vignette which is part of RBesT documentation for an introduction. For simple modifications (change labels, add reference lines, ...) consider the commands found in bayesplot-helpers. For more advanced customizations please use the ggplot2 package directly. A description of the most common tasks can be found in the R Cookbook and a full reference of available commands can be found at the ggplot2 documentation site.

See Also

Other EM: mixfit()


bmix <- mixbeta(rob = c(0.2, 1, 1), inf = c(0.8, 10, 2))
bsamp <- rmix(bmix, 1000)
bfit <- mixfit(bsamp, type = "beta", Nc = 2)
pl <- plot(bfit)


# a number of additional plots are generated in verbose mode
.user_option <- options(RBesT.verbose = TRUE)
pl_all <- plot(bfit)

# recover previous user options

# [1] "mixdist" "a"   "b"   "w"   "m"   "N"   "Lm"  "lN"  "Lw"  "lli" "mixdens" "mixecdf" "mix"

Diagnostic plots for gMAP analyses


Diagnostic plots for gMAP analyses


## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
plot(x, size = NULL, ...)



gMAP object


Controls line sizes of traceplots and forest plot.




Creates MCMC diagnostics and a forest plot (including model estimates) for a gMAP analysis. For a customized forest plot, please use the dedicated function forest_plot.


The function returns a list of ggplot objects.

Customizing ggplot2 plots

The returned plot is a ggplot2 object. Please refer to the "Customizing Plots" vignette which is part of RBesT documentation for an introduction. For simple modifications (change labels, add reference lines, ...) consider the commands found in bayesplot-helpers. For more advanced customizations please use the ggplot2 package directly. A description of the most common tasks can be found in the R Cookbook and a full reference of available commands can be found at the ggplot2 documentation site.

Probability of Success for a 1 Sample Design


The pos1S function defines a 1 sample design (prior, sample size, decision function) for the calculation of the frequency at which the decision is evaluated to 1 when assuming a distribution for the parameter. A function is returned which performs the actual operating characteristics calculations.


pos1S(prior, n, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
pos1S(prior, n, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
pos1S(prior, n, decision, sigma, eps = 1e-06, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
pos1S(prior, n, decision, eps = 1e-06, ...)



Prior for analysis.


Sample size for the experiment.


One-sample decision function to use; see decision1S.


Optional arguments.


The fixed reference scale. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior is assumed.


Support of random variables are determined as the interval covering 1-eps probability mass. Defaults to 10610^{-6}.


The pos1S function defines a 1 sample design and returns a function which calculates its probability of success. The probability of success is the frequency with which the decision function is evaluated to 1 under the assumption of a given true distribution of the data implied by a distirbution of the parameter θ\theta.

Calling the pos1S function calculates the critical value ycy_c and returns a function which can be used to evaluate the PoS for different predictive distributions and is evaluated as

F(ycθ)p(θ)dθ,\int F(y_c|\theta) p(\theta) d\theta,

where FF is the distribution function of the sampling distribution and p(θ)p(\theta) specifies the assumed true distribution of the parameter θ\theta. The distribution p(θ)p(\theta) is a mixture distribution and given as the mix argument to the function.


Returns a function that takes as single argument mix, which is the mixture distribution of the control parameter. Calling this function with a mixture distribution then calculates the PoS.

Methods (by class)

  • pos1S(betaMix): Applies for binomial model with a mixture beta prior. The calculations use exact expressions.

  • pos1S(normMix): Applies for the normal model with known standard deviation σ\sigma and a normal mixture prior for the mean. As a consequence from the assumption of a known standard deviation, the calculation discards sampling uncertainty of the second moment. The function pos1S has an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}). The critical value ycy_c is searched in the region of probability mass 1-eps for yy.

  • pos1S(gammaMix): Applies for the Poisson model with a gamma mixture prior for the rate parameter. The function pos1S takes an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}) which determines the region of probability mass 1-eps where the boundary is searched for yy.

See Also

Other design1S: decision1S(), decision1S_boundary(), oc1S()


# non-inferiority example using normal approximation of log-hazard
# ratio, see ?decision1S for all details
s <- 2
flat_prior <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 100), sigma = s)
nL <- 233
theta_ni <- 0.4
theta_a <- 0
alpha <- 0.05
beta <- 0.2
za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
zb <- qnorm(1 - beta)
n1 <- round((s * (za + zb) / (theta_ni - theta_a))^2)
theta_c <- theta_ni - za * s / sqrt(n1)

# assume we would like to conduct at an interim analysis
# of PoS after having observed 20 events with a HR of 0.8.
# We first need the posterior at the interim ...
post_ia <- postmix(flat_prior, m = log(0.8), n = 20)

# dual criterion
decComb <- decision1S(c(1 - alpha, 0.5), c(theta_ni, theta_c), lower.tail = TRUE)

# ... and we would like to know the PoS for a successful
# trial at the end when observing 10 more events
pos_ia <- pos1S(post_ia, 10, decComb)

# our knowledge at the interim is just the posterior at
# interim such that the PoS is

Probability of Success for 2 Sample Design


The pos2S function defines a 2 sample design (priors, sample sizes & decision function) for the calculation of the probability of success. A function is returned which calculates the calculates the frequency at which the decision function is evaluated to 1 when parameters are distributed according to the given distributions.


pos2S(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
pos2S(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, eps, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
  eps = 1e-06,
  Ngrid = 10,

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
pos2S(prior1, prior2, n1, n2, decision, eps = 1e-06, ...)



Prior for sample 1.


Prior for sample 2.

n1, n2

Sample size of the respective samples. Sample size n1 must be greater than 0 while sample size n2 must be greater or equal to 0.


Two-sample decision function to use; see decision2S.


Optional arguments.


Support of random variables are determined as the interval covering 1-eps probability mass. Defaults to 10610^{-6}.


The fixed reference scale of sample 1. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior 1 is assumed.


The fixed reference scale of sample 2. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the prior 2 is assumed.


Determines density of discretization grid on which decision function is evaluated (see below for more details).


The pos2S function defines a 2 sample design and returns a function which calculates its probability of success. The probability of success is the frequency with which the decision function is evaluated to 1 under the assumption of a given true distribution of the data implied by a distirbution of the parameters θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2.

The calculation is analogous to the operating characeristics oc2S with the difference that instead of assuming known (point-wise) true parameter values a distribution is specified for each parameter.

Calling the pos2S function calculates the decision boundary D1(y2)D_1(y_2) and returns a function which can be used to evaluate the PoS for different predictive distributions. It is evaluated as

f2(y2θ2)p(θ2)F1(D1(y2)θ1)p(θ1)dy2dθ2dθ1.\int\int\int f_2(y_2|\theta_2) \, p(\theta_2) \, F_1(D_1(y_2)|\theta_1) \, p(\theta_1) \, dy_2 d\theta_2 d\theta_1.

where FF is the distribution function of the sampling distribution and p(θ1)p(\theta_1) and p(θ2)p(\theta_2) specifies the assumed true distribution of the parameters θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2, respectively. Each distribution p(θ1)p(\theta_1) and p(θ2)p(\theta_2) is a mixture distribution and given as the mix1 and mix2 argument to the function.

For example, in the binary case an integration of the predictive distribution, the BetaBinomial, instead of the binomial distribution will be performed over the data space wherever the decision function is evaluated to 1. All other aspects of the calculation are as for the 2-sample operating characteristics, see oc2S.


Returns a function which when called with two arguments mix1 and mix2 will return the frequencies at which the decision function is evaluated to 1. Each argument is expected to be a mixture distribution representing the assumed true distribution of the parameter in each group.

Methods (by class)

  • pos2S(betaMix): Applies for binomial model with a mixture beta prior. The calculations use exact expressions. If the optional argument eps is defined, then an approximate method is used which limits the search for the decision boundary to the region of 1-eps probability mass. This is useful for designs with large sample sizes where an exact approach is very costly to calculate.

  • pos2S(normMix): Applies for the normal model with known standard deviation σ\sigma and normal mixture priors for the means. As a consequence from the assumption of a known standard deviation, the calculation discards sampling uncertainty of the second moment. The function has two extra arguments (with defaults): eps (10610^{-6}) and Ngrid (10). The decision boundary is searched in the region of probability mass 1-eps, respectively for y1y_1 and y2y_2. The continuous decision function is evaluated at a discrete grid, which is determined by a spacing with δ2=σ2/Ngrid\delta_2 = \sigma_2/\sqrt{N_{grid}}. Once the decision boundary is evaluated at the discrete steps, a spline is used to inter-polate the decision boundary at intermediate points.

  • pos2S(gammaMix): Applies for the Poisson model with a gamma mixture prior for the rate parameter. The function pos2S takes an extra argument eps (defaults to 10610^{-6}) which determines the region of probability mass 1-eps where the boundary is searched for y1y_1 and y2y_2, respectively.

See Also

Other design2S: decision2S(), decision2S_boundary(), oc2S()


# see ?decision2S for details of example
priorT <- mixnorm(c(1, 0, 0.001), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
priorP <- mixnorm(c(1, -49, 20), sigma = 88, param = "mn")
# the success criteria is for delta which are larger than some
# threshold value which is why we set lower.tail=FALSE
successCrit <- decision2S(c(0.95, 0.5), c(0, 50), FALSE)

# example interim outcome
postP_interim <- postmix(priorP, n = 10, m = -50)
postT_interim <- postmix(priorT, n = 20, m = -80)

# assume that mean -50 / -80 were observed at the interim for
# placebo control(n=10) / active treatment(n=20) which gives
# the posteriors

# then the PoS to succeed after another 20/30 patients is
pos_final <- pos2S(postP_interim, postT_interim, 20, 30, successCrit)

pos_final(postP_interim, postT_interim)

Conjugate Posterior Analysis


Calculates the posterior distribution for data data given a prior priormix, where the prior is a mixture of conjugate distributions. The posterior is then also a mixture of conjugate distributions.


postmix(priormix, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
postmix(priormix, data, n, r, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
postmix(priormix, data, n, m, se, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
postmix(priormix, data, n, m, ...)



prior (mixture of conjugate distributions).


individual data. If the individual data is not given, then summary data has to be provided (see below).


includes arguments which depend on the specific case, see description below.


sample size.


Number of successes.


Sample mean.


Sample standard error.


A conjugate prior-likelihood pair has the convenient property that the posterior is in the same distributional class as the prior. This property also applies to mixtures of conjugate priors. Let


denote a conjugate mixture prior density for data

yθf(yθ),y|\theta \sim f(y|\theta),

where f(yθ)f(y|\theta) is the likelihood. Then the posterior is again a mixture with each component kk equal to the respective posterior of the kkth prior component and updated weights wkw'_k,

p(θ;w,a,by)=k=1Kwkpk(θ;ak,bky).p(\theta;\mathbf{w'},\mathbf{a'},\mathbf{b'}|y) = \sum_{k=1}^K w'_k \, p_k(\theta;a'_k,b'_k|y).

The weight wkw'_k for kkth component is determined by the marginal likelihood of the new data yy under the kkth prior distribution which is given by the predictive distribution of the kkth component,

wkwkpk(θ;ak,bk)f(yθ)dθwk.w'_k \propto w_k \, \int p_k(\theta;a_k,b_k) \, f(y|\theta) \, d\theta \equiv w^\ast_k .

The final weight wkw'_k is then given by appropriate normalization, wk=wk/k=1Kwkw'_k = w^\ast_k / \sum_{k=1}^K w^\ast_k. In other words, the weight of component kk is proportional to the likelihood that data yy is generated from the respective component, i.e. the marginal probability; for details, see for example Schmidli et al., 2015.

Note: The prior weights wkw_k are fixed, but the posterior weights wkwkw'_k \neq w_k still change due to the changing normalization.

The data yy can either be given as individual data or as summary data (sufficient statistics). See below for details for the implemented conjugate mixture prior densities.

Methods (by class)

  • postmix(betaMix): Calculates the posterior beta mixture distribution. The individual data vector is expected to be a vector of 0 and 1, i.e. a series of Bernoulli experiments. Alternatively, the sufficient statistics n and r can be given, i.e. number of trials and successes, respectively.

  • postmix(normMix): Calculates the posterior normal mixture distribution with the sampling likelihood being a normal with fixed standard deviation. Either an individual data vector data can be given or the sufficient statistics which are the standard error se and sample mean m. If the sample size n is used instead of the sample standard error, then the reference scale of the prior is used to calculate the standard error. Should standard error se and sample size n be given, then the reference scale of the prior is updated; however it is recommended to use the command sigma to set the reference standard deviation.

  • postmix(gammaMix): Calculates the posterior gamma mixture distribution for Poisson and exponential likelihoods. Only the Poisson case is supported in this version.

Supported Conjugate Prior-Likelihood Pairs

Prior/Posterior Likelihood Predictive Summaries
Beta Binomial Beta-Binomial n, r
Normal Normal (fixed σ\sigma) Normal n, m, se
Gamma Poisson Gamma-Poisson n, m
Gamma Exponential Gamma-Exp (not supported) n, m


Schmidli H, Gsteiger S, Roychoudhury S, O'Hagan A, Spiegelhalter D, Neuenschwander B. Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics 2014;70(4):1023-1032.


# binary example with individual data (1=event,0=no event), uniform prior
prior.unif <- mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1))
data.indiv <- c(1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
posterior.indiv <- postmix(prior.unif, data.indiv)
# or with summary data (number of events and number of patients)
r <- sum(data.indiv)
n <- length(data.indiv)
posterior.sum <- postmix(prior.unif, n = n, r = r)

# binary example with robust informative prior and conflicting data
prior.rob <- mixbeta(c(0.5, 4, 10), c(0.5, 1, 1))
posterior.rob <- postmix(prior.rob, n = 20, r = 18)

# normal example with individual data
sigma <- 88
prior.mean <- -49 <- sigma / sqrt(20)
prior <- mixnorm(c(1, prior.mean,, sigma = sigma)
data.indiv <- c(-46, -227, 41, -65, -103, -22, 7, -169, -69, 90)
posterior.indiv <- postmix(prior, data.indiv)
# or with summary data (mean and number of patients)
mn <- mean(data.indiv)
n <- length(data.indiv)
posterior.sum <- postmix(prior, m = mn, n = n)

Predictive Distributions for Mixture Distributions


Predictive distribution for mixture of conjugate distributions (beta, normal, gamma).


preddist(mix, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
preddist(mix, n = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
preddist(mix, n = 1, sigma, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
preddist(mix, n = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mvnormMix'
preddist(mix, ...)



mixture distribution


includes arguments which depend on the specific prior-likelihood pair, see description below.


predictive sample size, set by default to 1


The fixed reference scale of a normal mixture. If left unspecified, the default reference scale of the mixture is assumed.


Given a mixture density (either a posterior or a prior)


and a data likelihood of

yθf(yθ),y|\theta \sim f(y|\theta),

the predictive distribution of a one-dimensional summary yny_n of $n$ future observations is distributed as

ynp(θ,w,a,b)f(ynθ)dθ.y_n \sim \int p(\theta,\mathbf{w},\mathbf{a},\mathbf{b}) \, f(y_n|\theta) \, d\theta .

This distribution is the marginal distribution of the data under the mixture density. For binary and Poisson data yn=i=1nyiy_n = \sum_{i=1}^n y_i is the sum over future events. For normal data, it is the meanyˉn=1/ni=1nyi\bar{y}_n = 1/n \sum_{i=1}^n y_i.


The function returns for a normal, beta or gamma mixture the matching predictive distribution for yny_n.

Methods (by class)

  • preddist(betaMix): Obtain the matching predictive distribution for a beta distribution, the BetaBinomial.

  • preddist(normMix): Obtain the matching predictive distribution for a Normal with constant standard deviation. Note that the reference scale of the returned Normal mixture is meaningless as the individual components are updated appropriatley.

  • preddist(gammaMix): Obtain the matching predictive distribution for a Gamma. Only Poisson likelihoods are supported.

  • preddist(mvnormMix): Multivariate normal mixtures predictive densities are not (yet) supported.

Supported Conjugate Prior-Likelihood Pairs

Prior/Posterior Likelihood Predictive Summaries
Beta Binomial Beta-Binomial n, r
Normal Normal (fixed σ\sigma) Normal n, m, se
Gamma Poisson Gamma-Poisson n, m
Gamma Exponential Gamma-Exp (not supported) n, m


# Example 1: predictive distribution from uniform prior.
bm <- mixbeta(c(1, 1, 1))
bmPred <- preddist(bm, n = 10)
# predictive proabilities and cumulative predictive probabilities
x <- 0:10
d <- dmix(bmPred, x)
names(d) <- x
cd <- pmix(bmPred, x)
names(cd) <- x
# median
mdn <- qmix(bmPred, 0.5)

# Example 2: 2-comp Beta mixture

bm <- mixbeta(inf = c(0.8, 15, 50), rob = c(0.2, 1, 1))
bmPred <- preddist(bm, n = 10)
mdn <- qmix(bmPred, 0.5)
d <- dmix(bmPred, x = 0:10)

n.sim <- 100000
r <- rmix(bmPred, n.sim)
table(r) / n.sim

# Example 3: 3-comp Normal mixture

m3 <- mixnorm(c(0.50, -0.2, 0.1), c(0.25, 0, 0.2), c(0.25, 0, 0.5), sigma = 10)
predm3 <- preddist(m3, n = 2)

Predictions from gMAP analyses


Produces a sample of the predictive distribution.


## S3 method for class 'gMAP'
  type = c("response", "link"),
  probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975),
  na.action = na.pass,

## S3 method for class 'gMAPpred'
print(x, digits = 3, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAPpred'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gMAPpred'
as.matrix(x, ...)



data.frame which must contain the same columns as input into the gMAP analysis. If left out, then a posterior prediction for the fitted data entries from the gMAP object is performed (shrinkage estimates).


sets reported scale (response (default) or link).


defines quantiles to be reported.


how to handle missings.


thinning applied is derived from the gMAP object.



x, object

gMAP analysis object for which predictions are performed


number of displayed significant digits.


Predictions are made using the τ\tau prediction stratum of the gMAP object. For details on the syntax, please refer to predict.glm and the example below.

See Also

gMAP, predict.glm


## Setting up dummy sampling for fast execution of example
## Please use 4 chains and 20x more warmup & iter in practice
.user_mc_options <- options(RBesT.MC.warmup=50, RBesT.MC.iter=100,
                            RBesT.MC.chains=2, RBesT.MC.thin=1)

# create a fake data set with a covariate
trans_cov <- transform(transplant, country = cut(1:11, c(0, 5, 8, Inf), c("CH", "US", "DE")))
map <- gMAP(cbind(r, n - r) ~ 1 + country | study,
  data = trans_cov,
  tau.dist = "HalfNormal",
  tau.prior = 1,
  # Note on priors: we make the overall intercept weakly-informative
  # and the regression coefficients must have tighter sd as these are
  # deviations in the default contrast parametrization
  beta.prior = rbind(c(0, 2), c(0, 1), c(0, 1)),
  family = binomial,
  ## ensure fast example runtime
  thin = 1, chains = 1

# posterior predictive distribution for each input data item (shrinkage estimates)
pred_cov <- predict(map)

# extract sample as matrix
samp <- as.matrix(pred_cov)

# predictive distribution for each input data item (if the input studies were new ones)
pred_cov_pred <- predict(map, trans_cov)

# a summary function returns the results as matrix

# obtain a prediction for new data with specific covariates
pred_new <- predict(map, data.frame(country = "CH", study = 12))
## Recover user set sampling defaults

Robustify Mixture Priors


Add a non-informative component to a mixture prior.


robustify(priormix, weight, mean, n = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'betaMix'
robustify(priormix, weight, mean, n = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'gammaMix'
robustify(priormix, weight, mean, n = 1, ...)

## S3 method for class 'normMix'
robustify(priormix, weight, mean, n = 1, ..., sigma)



orior (mixture of conjugate distributions).


weight given to the non-informative component (0 < weight < 1).


mean of the non-informative component. It is recommended to set this parameter explicitly.


number of observations the non-informative prior corresponds to, defaults to 1.


optional arguments are ignored.


Sampling standard deviation for the case of Normal mixtures.


It is recommended to robustify informative priors derived with gMAP using unit-information priors . This protects against prior-data conflict, see for example Schmidli et al., 2015.

The procedure can be used with beta, gamma and normal mixture priors. A unit-information prior (see Kass and Wasserman, 1995) corresponds to a prior which represents the observation of n=1 at the null hypothesis. As the null is problem dependent we strongly recommend to make use of the mean argument accordingly. See below for the definition of the default mean.

The weights of the mixture priors are rescaled to (1-weight) while the non-informative prior is assigned the weight given.


New mixture with an extra non-informative component named robust.

Methods (by class)

  • robustify(betaMix): The default mean is set to 1/2 which represents no difference between the occurrence rates for one of the two outcomes. As the uniform Beta(1,1) is more appropriate in practical applications, RBesT uses n+1 as the sample size such that the default robust prior is the uniform instead of the Beta(1/2,1/2) which strictly defined would be the unit information prior in this case.

  • robustify(gammaMix): The default mean is set to the mean of the prior mixture. It is strongly recommended to explicitly set the mean to the location of the null hypothesis.

  • robustify(normMix): The default mean is set to the mean of the prior mixture. It is strongly recommended to explicitly set the mean to the location of the null hypothesis, which is very often equal to 0. It is also recommended to explicitly set the sampling standard deviation using the sigma argument.


Schmidli H, Gsteiger S, Roychoudhury S, O'Hagan A, Spiegelhalter D, Neuenschwander B. Robust meta-analytic-predictive priors in clinical trials with historical control information. Biometrics 2014;70(4):1023-1032.

Kass RE, Wasserman L A Reference Bayesian Test for Nested Hypotheses and its Relationship to the Schwarz Criterion J Amer Statist Assoc 1995; 90(431):928-934.

See Also



bmix <- mixbeta(inf1 = c(0.2, 8, 3), inf2 = c(0.8, 10, 2))
rbmix <- robustify(bmix, weight = 0.1, mean = 0.5)

gmnMix <- mixgamma(inf1 = c(0.2, 2, 3), inf2 = c(0.8, 2, 5), param = "mn")
rgmnMix <- robustify(gmnMix, weight = 0.1, mean = 2)

nm <- mixnorm(inf1 = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.7), inf2 = c(0.8, 2, 1), sigma = 2)
rnMix <- robustify(nm, weight = 0.1, mean = 0, sigma = 2)



Data set containing historical information for standard treatment for a phase IV trial in de novo transplant patients. The primary outcome is treament failure (binary).




A data frame with 4 rows and 3 variables:




study size


number of events


Neuenschwander B, Capkun-Niggli G, Branson M, Spiegelhalter DJ. Summarizing historical information on controls in clinical trials. Clin Trials. 2010; 7(1):5-18